Skoda Felicia

since 1994 release

Repair and operation of the car

Skoda Felicia
+ Cars of the Skoda Felicia brand
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Repair of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system
- Engine electric equipment
   - Systems of a charge and start
      General information and precautionary measures
      Check of a state and battery charging
      Removal and installation of the rechargeable battery
      Check of serviceability of functioning of system of a charge
      Removal and installation of the generator
      Replacement of the module of the brush holder/regulator of tension
      Check of serviceability of functioning of system of start
      Removal and installation of a starter
      Capital repairs of a starter
   + System of ignition of petrol engines
   + System of preheat of diesel engines
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and finishing of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Check of a state and battery charging

Check of a condition of batteries of traditional type and the batteries needing the minimum service


1. At an insignificant average annual run of the car it is enough to check the specific weight of electrolyte of the battery for the purpose of determination of level of its charge of time in three months. Measurement is performed by means of the standard areometer. Results of check should be compared to data of the table given below. Pay attention that standard measurement has to be performed at a temperature of 15 °C. At the same time on each 10 °C of lowering of temperature below a defined point it is necessary to subtract 0.007 from the indication of density of electrolyte. Excess of temperature on each 10 °C above basic value demands addition to result of measurement of the same size (0.007).
Ambient temperature is above 25 °C
Ambient temperature is below 25 °C
The battery is completely charged
1.210 ÷ 1.230
1.270 ÷ 1.290
The battery is charged for 70%
1.170 ÷ 1.190
1.230 ÷ 1.250
The battery is discharged
1.050 ÷ 1.070
1.110 ÷ 1.130

2. At a suspicious condition of the battery first of all check electrolyte density in each of its cans. The difference in results of measurements exceeding size 0.040 indicates falling of level of electrolyte or destruction of lamels.
3. At excess by a difference of specific weight of electrolyte in various banks of the specified size, the battery is subject to replacement. Otherwise the level of a charge can be restored (see below in this Section).
Check of a condition of the batteries which are not needing service
4. If your car is completed with the battery of tight type which is not needing service, need for regular addition of electrolyte in banks disappears. Level of a charge of the battery can be determined by the indicator which is built in its case or the voltmeter.
5. For a complete set of some cars the Delco batteries which are not needing service are used. Such batteries are equipped with the built-in indicator of level of a charge. The indicator is located on the top plane of the case of the battery and changes the color depending on charge level. Green color of a spot in an observation port of the indicator testifies to the high level of a charge. Darkening of a spot (up to black color) speaks about need of carrying out charging. Light yellow coloring of the indicator signals about excessive decrease in level of electrolyte - in this case the further use of the battery is inadmissible and its replacement is required.
6. If for check of level of a charge the voltmeter is used, connect it between polar plugs of the battery. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications at the beginning of the Head. The taken readings can be considered reliable only if measurement was performed not less than 5 hours later after performance of the last charging. Otherwise it is necessary to include approximately for 30 seconds head headlights of the car, then to wait about five more minutes and only after it to start removal of indications (do not forget to switch off headlights). All other onboard consumers of the electric power during check performance also have to be switched off (track that all doors of the car, including a back door were densely closed).
7. If the result of measurement makes lower than 12.2 In, therefore the battery is discharged. Range from 12.2 B to 12.4 B corresponds to the normal level of a charge of the battery.
8. In need of performance of battery charging remove it from the car (see the Section Removal and installation of the rechargeable battery) and act according to the instructions stated below in the present Section.

Battery charging of traditional type and the batteries needing the minimum service


Information stated below should be perceived only as the general guide to action. Without fail study instructions of manufacturers of the charger, and also the recommendations provided on the label fixed on the case of the battery.

1. Carry out battery charging by current which force makes about 10% of value of capacity of the battery. So, battery charging current on 55 Ach has to make 5.5 A. Continue process of charging until density of electrolyte does not stop changing within at least four hours.
2. Slow charging can be alternatively made by current with a force of 1.5 And. In this case the battery can be left connected to the charger for the night.
3. Authors of the present manual do not recommend to resort to bystry methods of restoration of level of a charge of the battery for 1 ÷ 2 hour - such practice is fraught with serious destructions of lamels as a result of their overheat.
4. In the course of battery charging you watch that temperature of electrolyte did not rise above 37.8 °C.

Charging of the batteries which are not needing service


Information stated below should be perceived only as the general guide to action. Without fail study instructions of manufacturers of the charger, and also the recommendations provided on the label fixed on the case of the battery.

1. The complete recovery of level of a charge of such batteries takes away a little more time in comparison with the norms accepted for batteries of standard type. In especially hard cases charging can proceed up to three days.
2. Prepare the charger of a direct current. Expose the output tension of the power supply on value in 13.9 ÷ 14.9 V. Tok of a charge should not exceed at the same time 25 A. At such way of charging the level of a charge of the battery has to be restored to weak (12.5 B) approximately in three hours. The full charge of the battery as it was already mentioned above, can take away much more time.
3. At restoration of completely discharged battery (with output voltage below 12.2 V) performance of charging will be correct to charge to specialists of car service.

Check of level of electrolyte


Electrolyte in the battery represents solution of sulfuric acid. Perform all works in rubber gloves. Correcting electrolyte level, you watch that it was not poured through openings in banks. At once wash away the spilled electrolyte clear water. Upon completion of works rinse with water all case of the battery. Do not try to pump out excess of electrolyte from cans at all.

1. The batteries which are not needing check of level of electrolyte are included in a basic equipment of models. During operation of the car the battery can be replaced on traditional.

2. Needing check and adjustments of level of electrolyte of the battery always it is possible to distinguish on existence of removable covers on the top planes of cans. The case of the battery is usually made of translucent plastic therefore the level of electrolyte can be easily estimated visually - are applied on walls
tags of the minimum and maximum level. Before starting adjustment of level of electrolyte, make sure that the battery does not belong to type not of persons in need in service (on the case of such batteries usually there is a Freedom or Maintenance-Free inscription).

3. Check electrolyte level through openings of cans (previously having uncovered), or on tags on translucent walls. Electrolyte has to hide lamels completely. In case of need make adjustment, having added in banks of the distilled (not ionized) water. Establish to the place of a cover and rinse with water the battery case.