Skoda Felicia

since 1994 release

Repair and operation of the car

Skoda Felicia
+ Cars of the Skoda Felicia brand
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Repair of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   General information and precautionary measures
   Removal and installation of stupichny assemblies of forward wheels
   Replacement of bearings of forward wheels
   Removal and installation of racks of a forward suspension bracket
   Capital repairs of racks of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of the lower levers of a forward suspension bracket
   Replacement of spherical support of the lower levers of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of the stabilizer of cross stability of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of racks of a bar of the stabilizer of cross stability of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of a forward stretcher
   Replacement of bearings of back naves
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of racks of a back suspension bracket
   Capital repairs of racks of a back suspension bracket
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of pins of the back bridge
   Removal and installation of the back stabilizer of cross stability
   Removal and installation of the back bridge
   Removal and installation of a steering wheel
   Removal and installation of a steering column
   Capital repairs of a steering column
   Removal and installation of assembly of the lock of ignition/blocking of a wheel
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of the steering mechanism
   Replacement of rubber protective covers of a case of the steering mechanism
   Removal of air traffic jams from a hydraulic path of system of strengthening of a wheel
   Removal and installation of the steering pump
   Removal and installation of external tips of steering drafts
   Removal and installation of steering draft
   The angles of installation of wheels of the car - the general information
+ Body and finishing of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Removal and installation of the back bridge

At assembly new nuts of axial bolts of the bridge, and also a nut of the lower support of racks of a suspension bracket will be required.



1. Prop up wedges forward wheels, then a back of the car and establish to a poddomkratta it on props. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery and remove both back wheels.

2. Working according to the instructions provided in the Head the Brake system, perform the following procedures:

a) Give kontryashchy and adjusting nuts of cables of the drive of the parking brake and disconnect the last from an equalizer plate. Under the car release the forward ends of both cables from intermediate clamps on the car bottom that they could be freely removed together with the back bridge;
b) Walk on hydraulic tubes from boards of brake mechanisms before the nipple connections fixed in arms on the car bottom directly ahead of assembly of the back bridge. Carefully wipe connections, then give cap nuts and disconnect tubes. Release fixing collars and release hoses from arms. At once to a zakuporta the open ends tenches for the purpose of minimization of losses of brake fluid, and also in order to avoid hit in hydraulic system of dirt;
c) On the equipped ABS models walk on an electrical wiring from wheel sensors to sockets. Disunite both sockets. Release an electrical wiring from intermediate clamps that it could be freely removed together with the bridge;
d) On models without ABS equipped with the valve regulator, sensitive to extent of loading of the car, mark the provision of a head of bolts of a valvate spring in relation to the bridge. Give a nut, take a bolt and disconnect a spring.

3. Make sure that all components impeding performance of work are disconnected, then prop up assembly of the back bridge a cart jack.
4. Give nuts of bolts of fastening to the bridge of the lower support of racks of a suspension bracket.

At assembly of a nut are subject to replacement without fail.

5. By means of the assistant give nuts of axial bolts of the bridge and accurately take the last from under the car.

Nuts of axial bolts of the bridge are subject to replacement without fail.

6. Check a condition of axial plugs of the bridge. In case of need make replacement. Replacement of axial plugs is made with application of a hydraulic press and its performance should be charged to specialists of car service. In the presence of near at hand necessary equipment squeeze out plugs and press new on their place, having used the mandrel resting against the outer edge of the plug.
7. In need of replacement of assembly brackets of the bridge mark their situation on the car bottom, then give fixing bolts and remove arms. Establish new to the place of the removed arms, screw fixing bolts, level brackets according to the tags put in the course of dismantle, then tighten fixture with the required effort.

If replacement of assembly brackets was made, after completion of assembly it is necessary to check parallelism of installation of the bridge (see the Section the Angles of installation of wheels of the car - the general information).



1. Get the bridge on the regular place and insert axial bolts. Screw new nuts and tighten them, so far it is weak.
2. Insert bolts of the lower support of fastening to the bridge of racks of a suspension bracket. Screw new nuts, also without tightening them at this stage.
3. According to the instructions provided in the Head the Brake system perform the following procedures:

a) At the corresponding complete set connect a working spring of the valve regulator car, sensitive to extent of loading, to the bridge. Track correctness of installation of washers. Having achieved combination of the tags put in the course of dismantle, tighten a fixing nut with the required effort;
b) On the equipped ABS models connect an electrical wiring to wheel to sensors. Track correctness of laying of wires and reliability of their fastening in intermediate clamps;
c) Fix by collars in the arms brake hoses. Connect tubes and strongly tighten cap nuts of nipple connections;
d) Make sure of correctness of laying of both cables of the drive of the parking brake. Connect cables to the lever. Screw adjusting nuts and record their kontryashchy. Do not establish into place a lever cover / the central console yet.

4. Establish into place back wheels, lower the car on the earth and tighten wheel bolts with the required effort.
5. Shake the car standing on wheels for shrinkage of components, then tighten with the required effort of a nut of axial bolts of the bridge and support of fastening of suspension bracket racks on it.
6. Entirely pump over the brake system (see the Head the Brake system), on appropriately equipped models check of an isprvnost of functioning of the valve regulator of pressure should be charged the specialist of car service.