Skoda Felicia

since 1994 release

Repair and operation of the car

Skoda Felicia
+ Cars of the Skoda Felicia brand
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Repair of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
- Brake system
   General information
   System design, description of separate knots and mechanisms
   Pumping of hydraulic system
   Replacement of hoses and tubes of a hydraulic path of the brake system
   Replacement of blocks of disk brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Replacement of boots of drum brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Check of a state, removal and installation of disks of forward brake mechanisms
   Removal, check of a state and installation of reels of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of supports of brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of wheel cylinders of back brake mechanisms
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of the main brake cylinder (MBC)
   Removal and installation of a pedal of a foot brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
   Removal, check of a state and installation of the control valve of the vacuum amplifier of brakes with a hose
   Adjustment of the parking brake
   Removal and installation of the lever of the parking brake
   Removal and installation of cables of the drive of the parking brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the valve regulator of pressure in hydraulic contours of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, installation and adjustment of the sensor switch of stoplights
   System of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS) - the general information
   Removal and installation of components of the ABS systems
   Removal and installation of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
   Check of a state and capital repairs of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and finishing of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Removal, capital repairs and installation of supports of brake mechanisms of forward wheels

Components of a support of the brake mechanism of a forward wheel

1 — the Anchor bracket
2 — the Directing finger
3 — the Protective cover
4 — the support Case
5 — the Sealing cuff
6 — the Piston

7 — the Boot
8 — the pumping Gate
9 — the Dustproof cap
10 — Brake shoes
11 — Bolts of the directing fingers

On the models equipped with ABS before a rassoyedineniye of hydraulic brake lines without fail switch-off the rechargeable battery. It is necessary to connect the battery only after connection of all hydraulic lines of a brake path. Violation of this requirement is fraught with hit in the hydraulic modulator of air which removal in the course of usual pumping of system (see the text of the Section) is not possible and demands use of a special electronic tester (VAG 1552).

Before starting performing procedures attentively study the text of preventions at the beginning of the Sections System Design, the description of separate knots and mechanisms, Replacement of hoses and tubes of a hydraulic path of the brake system.



1. Cock the parking brake. A car front also establish to Poddomkratta it on props. Remove the corresponding forward wheel.
2. For the purpose of minimization of losses of brake fluid uncover with the GTTs tank, then, having enclosed under it a polyethylene film, again screw on the mouth. At the same time due sealing of the tank, at the expense of the arising depression not allowing the level of liquid to fall excessively strongly is reached. Alternatively, losses of liquid can be minimized by a perezhimaniye a special clip or a clamp of the flexible brake hose connected to this support.
3. Carefully wipe, then weaken the nipple connection which is subject to undocking on a support.
4. Turn out bolts of the top and lower directing support fingers, thin Rozhkov a key holding fingers from a provorachivaniye. Remove a support from a brake disk and disconnect it from a brake hose, having at once corked the open end of the last for the purpose of minimization of leaks and in order to avoid hit in hydraulic system of dirt.

Blocks can be left on the regular place in an anchor bracket of a support.

Capital repairs


1. Lay the removed support on a workbench, and carefully clear it of dirt and dust - try not to inhale brake dust, use a protective mask or a respirator!
2. Take partially acting piston from the support cylinder, remove a boot.

If the piston does not manage to be taken manually, it can be pushed out outside the compressed air given to the union of connection of a flexible brake hose. Will be the insignificant pressure created by the foot pump for a rating of tires enough. Track that your fingers at the time of pushing out of the piston did not appear between its end face and the case of a support!

3. By means of the small screw-driver take a piston cuff - try not to scratch a cylinder mirror.
4. Carefully wash out all components methyl or isopropyl alcohol, or pure brake fluid (do not use for washing of details solvents on an oil basis at all, such as gasoline or kerosene - they are aggressive in relation to rubber details!), then immediately and carefully dry their pure неворсящейся rags, or compressed air - it is especially convenient to last to blow small channels and openings.

When using compressed air do not forget to put on goggles!

5. Check a condition of all components, replace the worn-out and damaged details. Special attention should be paid to a condition of the piston and a mirror of its cylinder - at detection of scratches or the slightest signs of development of corrosion components are subject to replacement that in practice means replacement of all assembly of the case of a support. In a similar manner check a condition of the directing fingers and their bolts. Both fingers, and bolts in the smoothed-out state have to slide freely in the nests, being at the same time rather hardly put in them. In case of lack of confidence in definition of a state any of components, it is better to be reinsured and replace it.
6. If during check the condition of components of assembly is recognized as satisfactory, prepare the corresponding remnabor which in several various combinations can always be got in service centers of the Skoda company.
7. During assembly performance attentively check quality of cleaning and drying of all installed components.
8. Moisten the piston and its new cuff with pure brake fluid. Grease with it a cylinder mirror.
9. Without use of any tools, fill with fingers a new cuff in a flute in the cylinder.
10. Put on a new boot a back part of the piston. Bring internal sponges of a boot to a flute in a cylinder mirror, then it is accurate, fill with rotary progress in the cylinder the piston. Having buried the piston against the stop, fill external sponges of a boot in a flute track perpendicularity of landing of the piston in the cylinder. Against the stop drown the piston in the cylinder, then pull a boot on the case of a support and put him in specially provided flute.
11. At installation of the directing fingers of a support grease them with the special, enclosed in a set lubricant like Lukosan M11 or M 14). Establish protective covers, correctly having put them in flutes on the directing fingers and an anchor bracket.



1. Carefully clear a carving of the directing fingers and their bolts of old sealant. In case of identification of the damaged rounds bolts should be replaced.
2. Screw a support on the union of a flexible brake hose.
3. Make sure of correctness of landing of brake shoes in an anchor bracket, then establish a support on the regular place, having tracked correctness of placement in it antivizgovy springs of blocks.
4. Slightly grease with sealant like Loctite 243 a carving part of bolts. Press a support and screw bolts in the directing fingers, having tightened them with the required effort (hold fingers from a provorachivaniye Rozhkov a key).
5. Strongly tighten a cap nut of nipple connection and remove a clip/clamp from a flexible brake hose, or remove a polyethylene film from under a GTTs tank cover.
6. Pump over hydraulic system (see the Section Pumping of Hydraulic System).

If all measures for sealing of system in the course of dismantle of a support were taken, there will be only a concrete brake mechanism given to pump over enough.

7. Establish into place a wheel, lower the car on the earth and tighten bolts of fastening of a wheel with the required effort.