Skoda Felicia

since 1994 release

Repair and operation of the car

Skoda Felicia
+ Cars of the Skoda Felicia brand
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Repair of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
- Brake system
   General information
   System design, description of separate knots and mechanisms
   Pumping of hydraulic system
   Replacement of hoses and tubes of a hydraulic path of the brake system
   Replacement of blocks of disk brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Replacement of boots of drum brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Check of a state, removal and installation of disks of forward brake mechanisms
   Removal, check of a state and installation of reels of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of supports of brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of wheel cylinders of back brake mechanisms
   Removal, capital repairs and installation of the main brake cylinder (MBC)
   Removal and installation of a pedal of a foot brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
   Removal, check of a state and installation of the control valve of the vacuum amplifier of brakes with a hose
   Adjustment of the parking brake
   Removal and installation of the lever of the parking brake
   Removal and installation of cables of the drive of the parking brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the valve regulator of pressure in hydraulic contours of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, installation and adjustment of the sensor switch of stoplights
   System of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS) - the general information
   Removal and installation of components of the ABS systems
   Removal and installation of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
   Check of a state and capital repairs of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and finishing of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment

Ремонт и замена турбины Шкода Октавия в сети Автосервисов

Removal and installation of components of the ABS systems

Hydraulic modulator

On the models equipped with ABS before a rassoyedineniye of hydraulic brake lines without fail switch-off the rechargeable battery. It is necessary to connect the battery only after connection of all hydraulic lines of a brake path. Violation of this requirement is fraught with hit in the hydraulic modulator of air which removal in the course of usual pumping of system (see the text of the Section) is not possible and demands use of a special electronic tester (VAG 1552).

Before performance of work examine in the text of the prevention at the beginning of the Section System Design, the description of separate knots and mechanisms.



Prepare traffic jams for sealing of open nipple connections. At assembly also new fixing nuts will be necessary.

1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery. For the purpose of minimization of losses of hydraulic liquid uncover in the GTTs tank, enclose under it a polyethylene stopper and densely screw on the place.
2. Release a clamp and disunite the electric socket on the block of the hydraulic modulator.
3. Carefully wipe surfaces of GTTs and the modulator around unions of connection of brake lines. Mark the tubes which are subject to a detachment.
4. Give cap nuts of nipple connections of the hydraulic lines connecting GTTs to the modulator. Separate lines from reception unions and remove them from the car. At once to a zakuporta open ends of unions.

Nuts can be tightened rather hardly, and therefore, in order to avoid a rounding off of shlits it is necessary to turn off them by means of a special cap key with a cutting head. Prepare for collecting the spilled liquid.

5. Give nipple nuts and disconnect the remained four brake tubes from the hydraulic modulator. Zakuporte open ends of unions.
6. Give nuts of fastening of an arm of the modulator to the block of the servo-driver of the vacuum amplifier of brakes. Supporting GTTs, remove the modulator from the place.



Installation is made upside-down. Pay special attention to the next moments:

a) Do not forget to replace fixing nuts and track that they were tightened with the required effort;
b) Before connection of brake lines fill them (and unions on the modulator) with fresh hydraulic liquid (see the Section Pumping of Hydraulic System). Track correctness of connection of tubes and reliability of tightening of cap nuts;
c) Track reliability of fixing of the electric socket a clip;
d) Pump over hydraulic system (see the Section Pumping of Hydraulic System) and connect a negative wire to the battery;
e) At the first opportunity drive away the car on car repair shop for check of an isprvnost of functioning of ABS with use of the special diagnostic equipment.

Electronic control unit (ECU)



Prepare traffic jams for sealing of open nipple connections after removal of separation of ECU from the hydraulic modulator.

1. Remove assembly of the hydraulic modulator from ECU.
2. Turn out bolts of fastening of ECU to the basis of the hydraulic modulator. Release clamps and separate ECU from the modulator. At once to a zakuporta in advance prepared traffic jams the open ends of unions on the modulator.

Do not incline and do not overturn removed from the ECU modulator in order to avoid injury of valvate fingers.



Installation is made upside-down.

When joining ECU with the modulator observe extreme care. In a diagonal order having tightened fixing bolts with the required effort, install the hydraulic modulator on the regular place on the car.

Sensors of forward wheels



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
2. Cock the parking brake, then a front of the car and establish to a poddomkratta it on props. Remove the corresponding forward wheel.
3. Walk from the sensor on an electrical wiring, releasing it from intermediate clamps and remembering a laying route. Disunite the electric socket.
4. Turn out a fixing bolt and remove the sensor from stupichny assembly.



1. Carefully smooth out the interfaced surfaces of the sensor and stupichny assembly, then slightly grease with universal lubricant like Gleitmo 165 or Wolfracote of a wall of a nest under landing of the sensor in a nave.
2. Check a condition of a working element of the sensor, then put the last on the regular place in stupichny assembly. Screw a fixing bolt and tighten it with the required effort.
3. Moving along an electrical wiring, fix it in all provided intermediate clamps. Connect the electric socket. Establish into place a wheel, lower the car on the earth and tighten wheel bolts with the required effort.

Sensors of back wheels



1. Prop up wedges forward wheels, then a back of the car and establish to a poddomkratta it on props. Remove the corresponding back wheel.
2. Walk from the sensor on an electrical wiring, releasing it from intermediate clamps and remembering a laying route. Disunite the electric socket.
3. Turn out a fixing bolt and remove the sensor from a bridge nave.



1. Carefully smooth out the interfaced surfaces of the sensor and stupichny assembly, then slightly grease with universal lubricant like Gleitmo 165 or Wolfracote of a wall of a nest under landing of the sensor in a nave.
2. Check a condition of a working element of the sensor, then put the last on the regular place in stupichny assembly. Screw a fixing bolt and tighten it with the required effort.
3. Moving along an electrical wiring, fix it in all provided intermediate clamps. Connect the electric socket. Establish into place a wheel, lower the car on the earth and tighten wheel bolts with the required effort.