Skoda Felicia

since 1994 release

Repair and operation of the car

Skoda Felicia
+ Cars of the Skoda Felicia brand
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
- Repair of the engine
   - Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.3 l
      Description of the main knots and mechanisms
      Check of a condition of conrod and piston group on hearing and measurement of compression pressure in cylinders
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the top dead point (TDP)
      Removal and installation of a cover of a casing of the camshaft
      Removal, check of a state and installation of assembly of an axis of yokes
      Removal and installation of a head of cylinders assembled with the inlet pipeline and a final collector
      Removal, check of a state and installation of a forward cover, chain and asterisks of the GRM drive
      Removal, check of a state and installation of components of the oil pump
      Removal and installation of the pallet of a case of the engine
      Replacement of epiploons of a bent shaft
      Removal, check of a state and installation of a flywheel
      Check of a state and replacement of rubber pillows of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit
      Removal, installation and adjustment of effort of a tension of a belt of the drive of auxiliary units
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.6 l
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the diesel engine
   + Dismantle of the power unit and capital repairs of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and finishing of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment

шенгенская виза во францию

Removal, check of a state and installation of a forward cover, chain and asterisks of the GRM drive



1. Bring the piston of the first cylinder into the provision of VMT of the end of a step of compression. Remove the distributor with a tail (see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine).
2. Remove the generator (see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine).
3. Remove a maslozabornik with the mesh filter and take gear wheels of the oil pump (see the Section Removal, check of a state and installation of components of the oil pump).
4. In order to avoid a provorachivaniye of a bent shaft in the course of an otdavaniye of a bolt of its pulley, include the highest transfer and ask the assistant to squeeze out against the stop a pedal of a foot brake. If the engine is removed from the car, block a flywheel according to the instructions stated in the Section Replacement of Epiploons of a Bent Shaft.

5. Give a bolt of a pulley of a bent shaft, remove a washer and a pulley.

6. Turn out all fixture (bolts and screws) of a cover of a gas-distributing chain. Lower a cover down and remove it from the engine. Remove also sealing laying - at assembly it is subject to replacement without fail.

7. By means of the screw-driver with a flat sting unbend a tag of a lock washer of a bolt of fastening of an asterisk of the camshaft. In order to avoid a shaft provorachivaniye in the course of an otdavaniye of a bolt record it, having included the highest transfer and having asked the assistant to squeeze out against the stop a brake pedal. Alternatively, it is possible to use the elementary bifurcate lock manufactured of two pieces of a metal strip and three nuts with bolts. One of bolts carries out a tool fork axis role, two others fasten to an asterisk.

8. Turn out a camshaft asterisk bolt,

remove lock and dish-shaped washers (the first at assembly is subject to replacement without fail). Remove from a camshaft pin the leading gear wheel of the drive of the distributor / the oil pump. Try to remember the adjusting provision of a gear wheel.

9. Before removal of a chain and asterisks try to remember a relative positioning of adjusting tags and splines of cranked and distributive shaft.

10. Remove assembly of a chain with asterisks from pins of cranked and distributive shaft.
11. Take from a groove in a pin of a bent shaft a segment spline (try to remember its adjusting situation). If the spline of the camshaft is freely put in the groove, remove as well it. Postpone the removed splines everyone to the asterisk.
12. Remove the adjusting washer directing the remote plug and an external persistent washer from a pin of a bent shaft. Try to remember the adjusting provision of components.

Check of a state


1. Check a condition of teeths of both asterisks of a chain. In case of identification of wear tracks (chips, the bent ends, the lost teeth, etc.), all assembly in a set (a chain and both asterisks) is subject to replacement.
2. In side play size when bending a chain in the side direction estimate degree of wear of rollers. The new chain is almost absolutely rigid in the side plane.
3. The worn-out chain is subject to replacement. Authors of the present manual recommend to make replacement of a chain through each 50 000 km (30 000 miles) of a run, and also when performing capital repairs of the engine, regardless of its state.
4. In principle performance of replacement of a chain separately from asterisks is allowed though authors of the present manual also consider such practice vicious as economy can be false.
5. Check all other components for existence of signs of wear and mechanical damages. In case of need make the corresponding replacements.



1. Put on an external persistent washer a pin of a bent shaft. Track that the washer was developed by flutes of maslotok from a bearing cover aside. Achieve combination of a uvula of a washer with a groove in the cover basis, then densely press a washer, having put her in regular working situation.

2. After a persistent washer put on a pin the directing remote plug (the party with chamfered inside - see an illustration).

3. The last the adjusting washer attacks.

4. Establish a spline in a pin of a bent shaft by the slanted party inside. If removed, establish into place a camshaft spline.

5. Throw with a chain teeths of both asterisks so that the tag in the form of a point on an asterisk of the camshaft was combined with the twelfth roller of a chain, including the first the roller located opposite to a dot tag of an asterisk of a bent shaft.

6. Install assembly of a chain with asterisks on the engine. Track that asterisks were developed by adjusting tags outside.

7. Make sure of correctness of an arrangement of tags.

8. Put on a camshaft pin the leading gear wheel of the distributor of ignition / the oil pump. Track that the gear wheel was developed by a flange inside, then, by the concave party outside, establish a dish-shaped washer. Establish a new lock washer, having filled its tag in a groove on a gear wheel...

... screw a bolt of fastening of an asterisk. Tighten a bolt with the required effort, then bend edge of a lock washer on bolt head vents.

9. Carefully smooth out the interfaced surfaces of a cover of a chain and the block of cylinders. Completely remove all traces of oil and material of old laying from surfaces. Estimate a condition of an epiploon of a bent shaft in a cover. In case of need make replacement (see the Section Replacement of Epiploons of a Bent Shaft).

10. Put on new sealing laying of a cover of a chain the directing block pins. For laying fixing previously grease its inside with jellied lubricant.

11. Accurately putting on the directing pins, press a chain cover to the block. Screw fixture (bolts and screws) and tighten it with the required effort.

12. A sharp knife accurately cut off the acting part of laying supporting limits of the interfaced surface of the pallet of a case of the engine.

13. Having correctly developed concerning a spline, dress a pulley on a pin of a bent shaft. Try not to damage epiploon sponges. Screw a fixing bolt (do not forget about a washer) and tighten it, so far only by hand.

14. Make sure of combination of internal and external uvulas of a persistent washer with reciprocal grooves in a cover of the right radical bearing. The washer has to be densely put in the nest.

15. Block a bent shaft from a provorachivaniye tighten a bolt of its pulley with the required effort.
16. It is necessary to have in in view of that at the wrong landing of persistent washers tightening of a bolt can lead to their damage. Before continuing implementation of the procedure, make sure of freedom of rotation of a bent shaft.
17. Establish to the place of a gear wheel of the oil pump and a maslozabornik with the mesh filter (see the Section Removal, check of a state and installation of components of the oil pump), then install the case pallet (see the Section Removal and installation of the pallet of a case of the engine).
18. Install the generator (The head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine).
19. At the corresponding complete set, install the ignition distributor (The head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine).