Skoda Felicia

since 1994 release

Repair and operation of the car

Skoda Felicia
+ Cars of the Skoda Felicia brand
+ Maintenance instruction
- Routine maintenance
   Weekly checks
   + Routine maintenance of the car - petrol models
   - Routine maintenance of the car - diesel models
      Schedule of routine maintenance
      Regular service
      Replacement of motive oil and oil filter
      Removal of a sediment from the fuel filter
      Check of a condition of blocks and disks of forward brake mechanisms
      Check and adjustment of turns of idling
      Check of a condition of hoses, and identification of sources of leaks
      Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
      Suspension bracket and drive of steering
      Check of a condition of components of system of production of the fulfilled gases
      Check of a condition of cooling liquid
      Check of serviceability of functioning of coupling
      Greasing of locks and loops
      Check of composition of the fulfilled gases
      Adjustment of an optical axis of head headlights
      Check of serviceability of functioning of cleaners/washers of glasses/lenses of head headlights
      Trial runs
      Replacement of the filtering air cleaner element
      Replacement of the fuel filter
      Check of a condition of a belt of the GRM drive
      Check of a condition of a belt of the drive of auxiliary units
      Check of system of safety cushions
      Check of serviceability of functioning of systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled engine gases
      Check of a condition of boots and drums of back brake mechanisms
      Check of serviceability of functioning of the parking brake
      Check of body panels on existence of traces of development of corrosion
      Check of level of gearbox oil
      Replacement of gearbox oil
      Replacement of a belt of the GRM drive
      Replacement of brake fluid
      Replacement of cooling liquid
+ Repair of the engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and finishing of salon
+ Onboard electric equipment

ремонт холодильников

Replacement of cooling liquid

Depletion of the cooling system

Before starting implementation of the procedure, wait for final cooling of the engine. Do not allow hit of antifreeze in eyes, on open parts of the body and the painted surfaces of body panels. Immediately wash away casual splashes a plentiful amount of water. Do not leave antifreeze unguarded in an open container at all - its sweetish smell can easily draw attention of children and animals. Remember that hit of antifreeze in an organism can lead to a lethal outcome.


1. Having waited for full cooling of the engine, firmly cock the parking brake, then a front of the car and establish to a poddomkratta it on props.
2. Uncover a jellied mouth of a broad tank (having turned a cover counterclockwise to the first emphasis, dump residual pressure in system, then uncover finally).

3. Install a reception container under the drain stopper screwed in the left part of the metal tube passing along a forward wall of the block of cylinders. For the purpose of ensuring access to a stopper turn out fixing screws and remove protection of a case. Turn out a drain stopper and lower cooling liquid in the prepared capacity.

4. If depletion of system is made not for the purpose of replacement of cooling liquid, check a condition of the last. Make sure that the merged liquid fulfilled no more than three years. If everything is all right, liquid can be reused though authors of the present manual also do not recommend to adhere to similar practice. Prepare a replaceable sealing washer of a drain stopper.
5. Clean a carving of a stopper and put on it a new sealing washer. Slightly grease a stopper with fresh sealant, then screw it on the regular place and tighten with the required effort.

Washing of the cooling system


1. At the negligent relation to performance of regular change of cooling liquid, and also in case of strong fluidifying of antifreeze as a result of frequent addition in system of simple water, there is a gradual decrease in efficiency of cooling of the engine owing to adjournment on walls of channels and galleries of system of a scum and products of corrosion. Restoration of initial productivity of the cooling system can be made by its washing.
2. Washing of a radiator is made separately from a cooling path of the engine in order to avoid risk of pollution of all system.



1. Disconnect from a radiator the top and lower hoses of big section, and also all the other, concerning functioning cooling systems hoses (see the Head of the Cooling system, heating).
2. Insert into a reception branch pipe of the top hose on a radiator a garden hose and include water supply. Continue washing until the water following through the lower branch pipe does not gain absolute transparency.
3. If it is not possible to achieve transparency day off of a stream, it is necessary to use for washing of a radiator of one set of the patent cleaners produced now. In cases of especially serious pollution the radiator should be removed from the car and to subject to obratnopotochny washing.

Engine block


1. Remove the thermostat (see the Head of the Cooling system, heating), then temporarily establish into place its cover.
2. Having disconnected the top and lower hoses from a radiator, pass throughout the first end of a garden hose and pump water. Continue washing until the stream following through the lower hose does not become absolutely pure and transparent.
3. Having finished washing, install into place the thermostat and restore initial connection of hoses of the cooling system (see the Head of the Cooling system, heating).

Gas station of the cooling system


1. Before starting gas station of the cooling system, make sure of serviceability of a state and reliability of fastening on the unions and branch pipes of all hoses concerning its functioning. Do not forget that the system has to refuel the antifreeze mix with water demanded structure at all seasons of the year. Otherwise bystry development of corrosion of internal walls of channels of a path will begin.
2. Make sure of reliability of tightening of a drain stopper and lower the car on the earth.
3. Uncover a jellied mouth of a broad tank and slowly begin to fill in mix of the required structure in a tank. Continue to fill in mix until its level in a broad tank does not rise to mark MOVE in a translucent wall of the last.
4. Establish into place a cover of a jellied mouth, and strongly tighten it.
5. Start the engine and warm up it up to the normal working temperature (has to join and again be switched off the cooling system fan).
6. Kill the engine, let's it cool down, then double-check the level of cooling liquid in a broad tank. In case of need make adjustment.

Configuration of cooling liquid


1. Replacement of cooling liquid has to be made according to the schedule of routine maintenance of the car. Only the regularity of change of antifreeze allows to minimize corrosion of a cooling path and to provide the required frost resistance of mix in winter season.
2. Use for mix configuration only antifreeze on the basis of ethylene glycol, best suitable for gas station of automobile cooling systems which path consists of diverse metals. Requirements to composition of mix, depending on the necessary level of protection, are provided in Specifications at the beginning of this Part of the Head Routine maintenance.
3. Before the beginning of gas station the system has to be completely emptied, washed preferably out, and the state and reliability of fastening of all hoses of a cooling path are carefully checked.
4. Having graduated from gas station of system, attach to a mouth of a broad tank a label with data on date of gas station and composition of the filled-in mix. At all subsequent adjustments of level only mix of the same structure has to be added that it is specified on information label to system.
5. Do not use the antifreeze intended for application in the cooling system as morozouporny additive to liquid of washing of glasses at all - such practice will inevitably lead to damage of a paint and varnish covering of body panels.